Cutting tool of 7 cutter shaft equipment configure cutting tool of woodiness floor processing example
Of milling machine and grinder distinguish
2024-03-30(the report manufactures square / author: Money believes negotiable securities, yang Fu, Zhou Yihan)
1. Cutting tool is capable person of serious treatment bad news, hard alloy is the cutting tool material of the mainstream
Material cutting machines the 70% above that occupy machining, it is the mainest treatment method of mechanical manufacturing industry. Machine tool and cutting tool form the fundamental tooling that cutting machines jointly; Among them, the machine tool basically is used at delivering rotate speed, torque, precision; Numerical control cutting tool basically machines craft with what differ at bearing the weight of, produce direct physics contact with workpiece, the redundant metallic excision on workpiece, precision of the appearance position that makes workpiece gets according with a technology asking, dimension and exterior quality. Machine tool, clamping apparatus, cutting tool and workpiece, form machining complex of a machining.
Sort of fractionize of 1.1 cutting tool is various, hard alloy takes dominant place
1.1.1 by treatment means is classified, lathe tool makes dosage the biggest, auger cut cutting tool to design difficulty most complex
Press cutting motion and edge appearance, can be cutting tool cent general cutting tool, figuration cutting tool and special cutting tool: General cutting tool: Lathe tool, planing tool, milling cutter, boring cutter, broach, curium etc; Figuration cutting tool: The edge of cutting tool is had with be machined identical or workpiece section is adjacent same figure, wait like cutting tool of planing tool of figuration lathe tool, figuration, thread machining; Special cutting tool: Process a few special work, be like: Gear, spline the cutting tool that wait. Among them, lathe tool versatility is the widest, it is a kind of cutting tool with use the at present largest amount. The cutting tool material of correspondence of different cutting treatment means and structure ask each different, auger cut cutting tool the design is more complex: For instance milling cutter is multiple-cutting-edge tool for the most part, the need when treatment makes sure each cutting blade is on end panel or circumferential direction the consistency of point position, so milling cutter adjusts an orgnaization to have higher demand to the consistency of edge stuff and cutting blade position. Cut the hear resistance that should consider cutting tool data not only and impact resistance than be being gotten at treatment of common turning, milling, the working section of the broach in still needing to consider its to machine a process is surrounded basically to be in treatment surface. Platoon bits and medicinal powder hot space is extremely limited also, the cutting rate that considers to reach broach center from the predestined relationship outside broach even is rapid the problem such as change, the demand that gets the cutting blade material that cuts cutting tool and structure so is met more complex.

1.1.2 can divide according to material mix for steel of hard alloy, tool, pottery and porcelain exceed hard data to wait, hard alloy application is the widest
The choice needs to consider function of performance characteristics, treatment and economic cost integratedly when cutting tool material. In metallic cutting process, cutting tool cutting part is bearing below high temperature force of very big cutting and acuteness attrition are when interrupted cutting job, still accompanying concussion and vibration, cause the wave motion of cutting temperature. Accordingly, cutting tool material should have tall hardness and tall wearability, enough strength, tenacity and tall hear resistance; In the meantime, cutting tool material still needs to have better craft sex and economy. The function that discovers each field very hard provides data of optimal cutting tool, can be premise in order to assure main demand function only, choose the stuff with low price as far as possible. For example material of cutting tool of semifinished product of rough machining forging should assure to have relatively high strenth and tenacity, and material of treatment tall hardness needs to have taller hardness and wearability, the transfer matic of tall productivity needs to assure to taller cutting tool life waits with cutting tool. Generally speaking, the cutting rate that the hardness of cutting tool material exceeds Gao Keyun to make is higher, and the cutting power that tenacity exceeds Gao Kecheng to suffer is greater.
Integral performance of hard alloy cutting tool actors or actress, applicability is wide. The matrix of hard alloy cutting tool divides composition by two, it is sclerotic content partly among them, for example carbonization tungsten and carbonization titanium. Another part is binder, it is metal of iron a group of things with common features commonly, commonly used is cobalt and nickel. The hardness of hard alloy depends on sclerotic appearance content and grain granuality, namely taller, grain jumps over sclerotic appearance content fine, criterion hardness is bigger also. The tenacity of hard alloy is decided by felt metal, felt metal content is higher, bending strength is greater. Because hard alloy has good integral performance, because this is applied extensively alloy of steel, heat-resisting, titanium alloy, high temperature alloy, cast-iron the treatment that waits for material; Numerical control razor blade also is by the tall hardness such as hard alloy, pottery and porcelain material is made normally.

The use of material of our country hard alloy is occupied than promoting considerably, still have growth space. At present product of cutting tool of our country hard alloy holds major market, occupy integratedly than 63% , slightly under the developed country the application of 70% is occupied than. The 2nd is high-speed steel, occupy than 20% , cutting tool of this kind of material still is used in great quantities on machine tool of numerical control of a few blame. In recent years, the use of material of our country hard alloy is occupied than promoting considerably, sex of He Ren of the tall hardness of this and hard alloy material, high bending strength, tall wearability and tall sex value are very greater than having relation. And upgrade as the transition of machine tool industry, numerical control machine tool uses the promotion of the quantity, general accuracy machine tool is replaced, the demand of cutting tool of hard alloy material still will continue to grow, the use quantity of high-speed steel also will glide stage by stage. In the meantime, as machine treatment cutting tool develops to taller productivity and taller cutting speed, exceed strong cutting tool or will greet growth space.
The 1.1.3 structures according to cutting tool, can divide to solder type, whole type, machine places type, after numerical control cutting tool basically is both
But efficiency of dislocation tool production is tall, precision of treatment of integral cutting tool is tall. As a result of but dislocation cutting tool and integral cutting tool have taller flexibility, versatility and taller manufacturing efficiency and manufacturing precision, the cutting tool that basically uses in numerical control machine tool at present is but dislocation type cutting tool and cutting tool of integral hard alloy. But dislocation cutting tool is cutter hub (bit body / arbor) the cutting tool that uses combination of the mechanical means that hold clip with bit, through changing bit realizes cutting blade to update, bit need not be ground again, cutting tool life efficiency of long, production is taller, but with the opportunity the cutting tool that place type writtens guarantee compose machines dimension and treatment precision to also have certain restriction to its; Cutting tool of integral hard alloy by it is hard alloy good stuff is machined and become, bit, arbor and bit body an organic whole, cutting tool diameter and treatment precision are unlimited, can use at nicety and superprecision, use machine setting high at the accurate requirement such as 3C electron, medical apparatus and instruments. Life of cutting tool of the treatment that rectify a knife and but dislocation razor blade is approximate, the knife is ground to maintain original precision after the need after reaching service life changes a knife or disassembling.
Spend from the macroscopical dimension of cutting tool of whole numerical control can divide roughly for knife handle, cutter hub and material of cutting bad news: (1) knife handle: Common calls a tool the system, main shaft of one aspect of the matter and machine tool joins directly, another end and cutter hub or integral type cutting tool join, the machine tool precision, rotational torque delivers the circumgyrate of main shaft to be machined the device of workpiece. The actors or actress bad decided numerical control machine tool directly treatment property that knife handle design makes whether effective, essence is accurate, stable, abiding the ground to be delivered by treatment workpiece. (2) cutter hub (bit body / lever) : Cutter hub is one aspect of the matter and knife handle join, another end bears the weight of material of cutting bad news, the structure of cutter hub is designed and make a standard, decided to machine efficiency and treatment precision, the cutter hub of treatment position and different treatment workpiece, treatment workpiece are corresponding of all kinds structure, as by the addition of treatment workpiece sort, the amount of cutter hub structure that needs a design will present geometrical class growth. So, optimize iteration continually to cutter hub structure, be in thereby assure to machine precision while, achieve taller treatment efficiency, it is the key of industry of numerical control tool and one of difficulty. (3) material of cutting bad news: Direct the part with interaction be producinged by treatment workpiece, basically include cutting tool of alloy of type of the numerical control razor blade of different type, whole. Normally, numerical control razor blade can be installed go up in cutter hub; And need of integral type cutting tool, can install already go up in cutter hub, also can join with knife handle directly.
Bit uses up frequency fast, cutter hub magnitude of value is high. A cutter hub can be placed hold one or more razor blade, it is with milling cutter hub exemple, its cutter hub includes milling bit body and milling arbor, when cutting is machined, individual milling bit body installs clip 6-10 normally piece bit undertakes machining, individual milling arbor installs clip 2-5 normally piece bit undertakes machining. Auger cut cutter hub to basically cut arbor to get, clip is held normally when cutting is machined 2 razor blade undertake machining. The cutting life of every blade point arrives a few minutes only normally a few hours, change cycle is shorter. Numerical control cutter hub is made by common steel or alloy steel normally. Cutter hub service life is in a few days normally (Kong Jia is versed in) to a few months (milling, turning) differ. Normally the unit price of cutter hub, bit body is the 10 times above of bit price.
1.2 tool production has more expensive stuff and structural design doorsill, pull current Cheng Fu is miscellaneous
Main function index can divide cutting tool for material function and cutting function two dimension are spent. Among them, material function includes hardness and concussion tenacity, generally speaking hardness is taller, concussion tenacity is poorer, want to balance sex of its hardness He Ren according to the specific application domain of cutting tool normally. Cutting function includes efficiency of durability, treatment and treatment precision.
The base material in tool production process, chamfer structure, nicety shapes and treatment of 4 big core designs exterior coating closely related the function of link and cutting tool product, among them the main difficult point that the research and development of base material and exterior coating is manufacturing design:
(1) the design of base material: Basically include control of content of matrix brand development, carbon and brilliant granuality to control. It is with hard alloy cutting tool exemple, the key difficulty of the hardness that balances hard alloy through the adjustment of composition and structure and tenacity industry research and development; The wave motion of the carbolic content in controlling pull current Cheng is the key that guarantees performance of hard alloy matrix; In addition, granuality of brilliant of design raw material, ball is ground, the craft such as agglomeration will control grain to spend fluctuant limits, also conduce to the stability of hard alloy function.
(The chamfer of 2) razor blade structure: Accept groove structure is cutting continuously force and basically wear away place, reasonable chamfer structure can reduce cutting resistance, enhance bits ability, solve metallic cutting to break bits to clear problem, in order to achieve the treatment demand of efficient cutting. Need passes means of pair of material, treatment to wait for pair of point module (circular arc of the horn before be like, point of a knife, edge is wide) with the module that break bits (appearance, size and position, chamfer wide, chamfer the deep, horn that turn over bits) undertake designing in order to get performance of cutting of first-rate cutting tool.
(3) nicety shapes main technique segment includes mould preparation, compound preparation, suppress to shape control and agglomeration shape control. Be aimed at mould of complex chamfer structure, can use the means such as electric pulse to replace traditional metal treatment, in order to realize the production of tall precision mould. Hard alloy is the grain aggregate of different composition and dimension scale, the appearance of makings bead form that needs to control compound, particle size distribution install density in order to assure the fluidity of compound and pine, control despotic then close together sex, stability and consistency. In the mould compound suppress shapes hind, through agglomeration will poriferous powder presses base to turn into the alloy that has particular structure and property, the powder after agglomeration is finished presses the bulk that 40%-50% exists between base and agglomeration body to contract, the consistency of the even systole of agglomeration body and dimension assures below this circumstance, it is agglomeration shapes pilot stress and difficulty.
(Domain of 4) surface coating: Exterior coating besmears on bit Fu total ply is the film of the tall wearability of micron class, this film has good chemical protection and effect of hot protective screen to hard alloy razor blade, can improve the cutting function of hard alloy razor blade, service life and treatment efficiency significantly. Photograph comparing does not have coating, coating can raise bit 3~5 the service life of times. At present coating technology basically includes deposit of physical gas phase (PVD) with deposit of chemical gas phase (CVD) two kinds.
Be not the growth of mark demand, more the production of test tool manufacturer designs ability. Cutting tool applies downstream extensive, product terminal covers manufacturing industry many fractionize domain, there is no lack of among them the high-end application domain such as spaceflight aviation, car, robot. Downstream and complex setting and environment brought about a large number of clients to put forward nonstandard the requirement that changes custom-built cutting tool. The diversification parameter that tool manufacturer needs to put forward according to the client undertakes design and be manufacturinged afresh to the product, make flow with respect to very complex production originally Cheng is more complex. Many nonstandard the test that changing requirement is pair of manufacturer designs and manufacturing technology level undoubtedly, also make the technical camp of the industry farther rise.
Investment of facilities of 1.3 tool production is large, it is capital concentrated model product
Hard alloy cutting tool belongs to technology intensive, capital concentrated model industry, amount of investment of early days fixed assets, research and development is large. Enlarge of numerical control cutting tool produces investment of project single track to be in more 100 million ~2 100 million yuan, only 60% what installation cost forehead holds total investment about, equipment capital investment is increased, belong to heavy property company. Current, equipment of the grinder of link of finish machining of our country cutting tool, coating, cutting tool detects pack wait for a lot of production facilities to need to depend on import from the country such as Euramerican day Han. In the main production facilities of nicety of 2021 China acute, entrance equipment primary value occupies total equipment to be worth scale to be as high as 75% formerly.
Catenary of industry of 2, tool: Raw material supplies pattern of sufficient, competition admirable, downstream application blossoms at many o'clock, homebred in flexibility of high-end cutting tool is enough

Raw material of 2.1 home cutting tool is supplied sufficient, price from bottom to top is conducted, industry profit ability is stable
Direct cost of material is made in cutting tool treatment occupy mediumly than general prep above 30% . With Hua Rui nicety is exemple: 2021 company advocate in business Wu cost direct data, artificial, production charge occupies score to be 49.5% , 10.1% , 40.3% , direct data is occupied than highest. Among them, the pink of tungsten of carbonization of main raw material of hard alloy cutting tool, cobaltic pink and tantalum niobium solid solution 3 person score occupies to not be in direct raw material: 73.4% , 14.0% , 6.7% . Reserves of resource of our country tungsten is abundant, fine cobaltic yield is enough. 1) tungsten of horniness photograph carbonization exceeds 80% in hard alloy content, tungsten belongs to China strategical mineral products resource, chinese tungsten natural resources is very substantial, take world reserve about 50% the left and right sides, quantity of produce and sale resides the world firmly all the time the first (exceed 80% ) . Xiamen tungsten course of study, medium tungsten the large-scale production manufacturer that the enterprise such as course of study of course of study of tungsten of new and high, Jiangxi, Zhang Yuan tungsten all is manufacturing carbonization tungsten, market of pink of domestic carbonization tungsten is supplied enough. 2) Chinese cobaltic natural resources is meagerer, but cobaltic smelt craft of China is in world banner level, 72% what held global output about by Chinese fine cobaltic crop 2021, for the whole world cobalt of the biggest fine supplies a country. Be like the enterprise such as share of group of Luoyang molybdenum line of business, gold plain to increase pair of Congo as home (gold) the investment that waits for country of natural resources of main cobalt ore, cobaltic resource ensures ability to promote considerably, made sure domestic cobaltic pink is supplied normally then. Although domestic carbonization is tungsten pink, at present cobaltic,the raw material market such as pink is supplied enough, but its market value all accepts the whole world the influence of a lot of element such as condition of structural adjustment of macroscopical economic situation, industry, whole world and policy of international imports and exports.
Cutting tool is the downstream application field with the mainest hard alloy, wave motion of raw material cost can be transferred downstream up. The hard alloy of 45% used our country at cutting tool 2021, the hard alloy of 27% is used at wear-resisting spare parts and tool, the conduction that the price of hard alloy raw material suffers from bottom to top of cutting tool demand is affected. In the meantime, fluctuate considerably when unilateral of cutting tool raw material when, product value fluctuates subsequently, tool industry can be down cost on certain level swim move, but lag of product value wave motion fluctuates at raw material price, and fluctuant extent is remarkable and total be less than wave motion of raw material price, interest rate of tool industry wool is stable also maintain in higher level.
2.2 tool market: Periodic industry consumable, product of homebred high end and overseas market have ascendant latent capacity more
The 2.2.1 industrial consumable that have growing sex more, global market is close 250 billion
The start working circumstance of the consumption of cutting tool and manufacturing industry and be closely bound up of industry inventory cycle, have periodic property. When PMI index is located in vicissitude line above, tool consumption often can present growth trend, glide conversely. Cutting tool and machine tool cycle are basic and synchronous, boom cycle is 3.5-4 on average about year. Machine tool normally update cycle 10 years, since 2017 the machine tool updates demand to already exceeded output, newer requirement occupies crop proportion to come from the 0.9 rapid growth 2017 2020 1.6 the left and right sides, change demand hopeful and manufacturing industry anabiosis overlay, drive bearing of situation of machine tool trade to go up further.
Cutting tool and machine tool cycle are synchronous, but consumptive attribute is stronger. Cutting tool belongs to easy bad news to taste, newer frequency is fast. It is with numerical control cutting tool exemple, numerical control razor blade the cutting life of every point differs to several days from a few minutes (depend on the element such as workpiece material and treatment parameter) , change cycle is shorter. Cutter hub service life is in a few days normally (Kong Jia is versed in) to a few months (milling, turning) differ. Although machine tool expenditure lasts,dropped later 2011, but tool market still shows stronger tenacity; In the meantime, cutting tool occupies scale of sale of machine tool market to also rise continuously, reflected cutting tool trade besides have periodic outside still have stronger consumptive property. Machine tool and cutting tool need to balance development, our country cutting tool occupies a machine tool to consume scale to still have promotion space. Consumption of successive and old machine tool resides our country the whole world the first, but at present numerical control of whole of our country machine tool changes rate inadequacy 50% , far under western country. According to national statistic bureau and data of association of machine tool tool, according to crop caliber, the numerical control of machine tool of cutting of our country metal was changed 2022 rate for 45% , relatively the level of developed country 70%+ such as Japan, United States, Germany has bigger difference. The manufacturing industry powerful nation such as heart beautiful day pays attention to machine tool of contemporary numerical control and efficient cutting tool mutual and harmonious, balance develops, annual tool consumption dimensions consumes for the machine tool 50% the left and right sides; Consumption of our country tool occupied a machine tool to consume scale 2022 25.17% , although consumption of our country tool is being carried,upgrade character, but what cutting tool and machine tool consume is further than returning under developed country level. As our country the transition of machine tool of efficient numerical control upgrades, the demand of numerical control cutting tool still is put in bigger promotion space.
Charge of our country cutting tool occupies whole to make treatment charge on the low side, put in the space that rise. Basis " investigation of user of cutting tool of the 5th cutting analyses a report " (2023) , at present cost of production enterprise cutting tool occupies our country to compare or be given priority to with 2%~3% , but in recent years cost is occupied all grow than measure of 3% above industry apparent, and occupy than 2% the following enterprises the amount presents apparent downtrend. Current, the cost of average cutting tool of enterprise of foreign manufacturing industry is occupied than be 5% the left and right sides, although the cost of cutting tool of manufacturing industry enterprise of our country takes the trend that rises than appearing, but as more certain than returning existence as developed country photograph difference, still have larger promotion space. Global tool market is close 250 billion, consumption of our country tool is big, the market is added fast 2.5 times be the whole world. According to QY Research, from 2016 - 2021, sale of market of global cutting tool reachs 245.1 billion yuan from 218.5 billion yuan of growth, year all compound add fast 3.1% . At present Europe is the cutting tool market with the biggest whole world, own the market share of about 30% , it is North America and Chinese market next, own the share of more than 48% . Enter came 2010, the increase rate of Asian tool market that is a delegate with China is discharged the first place grows in dimensions of global cutting tool, it is 2.5 times of global increase rate. According to association of industry of tool of Chinese machine tool, market of tool of 2016-2021 our country consumes 47.7 billion yuan when total dimensions comes from 32.1 billion growth, year all compound add fast 8.2% . Because manufacturing industry boom anabiosises,anticipate not as good as, dimensions of market of consumption of our country tool fell slightly 2022 to 46.4 billion yuan of RMBs. Anabiosis as the development of our country manufacturing industry and economy, tool market demand also will restore to grow.

2.2.2 homebred cutting tool last to the limit of one's capacity, high end exports the market to have growth potential more
Homebred cutting tool grows continuously, export market shows a good the look of things. 2022, in structure of consumption of our country tool, homebred tool market makes an appointment with 33.8 billion yuan, drop compared to the same period 2.7% , occupy than 72.8% , increase compared to the same period 1.8% ; Entrance cutting tool makes an appointment with 12.6 billion yuan, drop compared to the same period 8.7% , occupy than 27.1% . At present imports and exports of our country tool presents outstanding favourable balance, and year after year of ratio of imports and exports is reduced, our country cutting tool exported the forehead to be 23.2 billion yuan 2022, grow 3.1% compared to the same period. Demand of domestic cutting tool is fatigued and weak 2022, sale of homebred cutting tool glides, but homebred cutting tool (sale in domestic market increases export) total dimensions of produce and sale from 2021 56.4 billion yuan of RMBs grow 57 billion yuan of RMBs 2022, report gives the growth state with homebred better cutting tool. Performance of high-end cutting tool is good at in low tip pivot is provided, homebred cutting tool exports end to have growth potential more. Upgrade to cutting tool demand as enterprise of user of industry of our country key and the buildup of actual strength of technology of domestic tool manufacturer, cutting tool of homebred high end is added fast it is better to carry show higher in exit. What although be with broach of low alloy high-speed steel,represent is medium low tip pivot has the appearance that is replaced by the country such as southeast Asia, India, Turkey, but what be a delegate with hard alloy cutting tool is homebred in high-end cutting tool shows better the look of things in exit end. Our country cutting tool and total of export of hard alloy cutting tool parted to mix 1.97 billion yuan for 23.2 billion yuan 2022. 2023 1-9 month, our country cutting tool and total of export of hard alloy cutting tool are respectively 170.07, 1.905 billion yuan, add compared to the same period fast it is respectively - 2.7% , 36.1% , among them forehead of exit of razor blade of coating hard alloy grows 47.2% compared to the same period; The corresponding period, hard alloy razor blade imports the forehead to be 2.74 billion yuan, glide compared to the same period 11.0% . In addition, unit price of imports and exports of coating razor blade is compared from 2019 3.4 times drop 2022 2.8 times, unit price of imports and exports narrows continuously. Although our country exports a product at present still with low end the product is given priority to, but performance of market of overseas of high-end cutting tool is more driving.
Foreign capital brand has competition ability more in high-end market. The market although product of entrance of domestic cutting tool is occupied than be not worth 30% , but entrance cutting tool still holds main market share in high-end product market. The import total of cutting tool of domestic high end is ambitious at exit, importing cutting tool unit price is export unit price 2.5 times above. 2022, dimensions of market of tool of our country hard alloy is 27.8 billion yuan about, among them dimensions of market of tool of hard alloy numerical control is controlled about 14 billion yuan; Dimensions of cutting tool of the hard alloy in importing cutting tool is 4.12 billion yuan, in addition, foreign capital brand is in China dimensions of produce and sale also has 3 billion to control about. Calculate abroad brand to be occupied in market of product of domestic high end accordingly than exceeding 50% , abroad brand share is in competition ability of market of product of domestic high end is stronger.
2.2.3 markets structure is dispersive, homebred head enterprise quickens market of the high end in the breakthrough
Can divide domestic tool manufacturer according to product function for high end, medium high end, low end 3 administrative levels: (1) high-end tool supplier: Product line is substantial, have the products plan workmanship of core, have the technical level with banner industry, can offer a product to produce standard of a complete set of and combination of the cutting tool that be not mark to reach for downstream client offer comprehensive treatment solution, the costly, date of delivery of this kinds of cutting tool is longer, this echelon formation basically includes Euramerican supplier Shanteweike, Kennajin is belonged to, Yisika, at present of our country in tungsten is new and high (individual plant is gotten) certain competition ability is had in high-end market, homebred head enterprise also is in the others to continuously high-end tool market sends force; (2) in high-end tool supplier: The high end in basically offerring high accuracy standardizes cutting tool, the understanding that manufactures technology to the client is opposite relatively fragile, but product versatility price of better, sex compares tall, stability tall, produce character to measure no less than Euramerican cutting tool, and price moderate. This echelon formation basically includes 3 water chestnut of Japan of day Han enterprise porcelain of comprehensive data, Beijing, of Korea originally especially gram, Keluoyi, the tungsten in domestic company is new and high (diamond of individual plant continent) , Xiamen tungsten course of study (Xiamen Jin Lu) , Hua Rui nicety, Ou Ke 100 million, the preeminent company such as Woerde also is in this echelon formation. Already was achieved on the partial product function of these enterprise cutting tool or exceed international advanced level. (3) low tip pivot provides a supplier: Main in order to manufacture the traditional cutting cutting tool with inferior precision, and the line of the products that can offer is finite. The supplier basically is the small company with domestic numerous amount, product technology level is inferior, coessential change relatively serious.
Market of brand of homebred cutting tool is spent centrally low, head enterprise has outspread advantage more. Calculate according to us, the CR10 of industry of homebred 2022 tool is less than 25% , the city of most home main business is occupied do not lead 1% . Scale is the largest in tungsten is new and high hold the market share of about 9% only. Because material of different cutting tool is diversiform, treatment flow is put in notable difference, cutting tool crosses breed study very the curve is abrupt, industry of our country tool is so short-term inside will still present the situation that let a hundred flowers blossom. Although at present market of whole of domestic cutting tool is centered,spend inferior, but market of tool of domestic high end is spent centrally taller, provide enterprise and proprietor of an enterprise of a few country to guide by knife of Han of Euramerican, day almost. Fractionize domain respect, market of domestic knife handle, cutter hub also presents relatively as similar as market of cutting tool whole case, but the market is split degree is opposite bigger, the enterprise of 100 million passes to already belonged to industry bibcock in income of this one domain. Because tall tip pivot provides the craft barrier of the product tall, investment yield a line is large and redound cycle is long, enterprise of our country head is accumulated because of the technology and capital actual strength more have the advantage in high-end market dilate and hopeful is right in low end the enterprise undertakes is down yield can integrated, industry Matthew effect will be shown stage by stage.
Homebred cutting tool is replaced to day Han cutting tool quickly, level of service of Euramerican industry technology is banner. Day Han enterprise is current high-end cutting tool is homebred replace the mainest competitor. As the technology development progresses, function of a lot of homebred cutting tool already were not defeated by day of Han Dao to provide, already achieved surmount day of Han Shuiping even, and the price is day of Han only 60% the left and right sides. Come nearly two years, day Han enterprise occupies rate year after year to glide in domestic town 15% above, homebred cutting tool will replace day Han brand to hold quickly 20% of the left and right sides in high-end market share. In domain of high-end cutting tool, specialization high accuracy, high especially domain, our country and function of product of Euramerican brand cutting tool and integral solution still have certain difference on service ability, still need to undertake the technology is chased on product consistency, stability and product life especially, as a result of in high-end client is relatively inferior to susceptibility of cutting tool price, euramerican department cutting tool is in the market position in high-end product is short-term inside hard shake.
Homebred tool industry has gain advantage more, high-end product is broken through continuously. Although at present the life of homebred cutting tool wants under entrance brand 10%~20% , but as a result of card of home made product mix artificially cost of specific power consumption is far under foreign capital brand, so product value can cheap 30%~50% , have higher sexual price to compare. In the meantime, progress of technology of cutting tool of our country homebred high end is striking in recent years, already emerged reveal a lot of outstanding tool industries to begin with Euramerican wait for tool industry to wait for high-end product domain to begin competition in aerospace, car. Current, in tungsten new and high, short for Shaanxi Province the eligible supplier that the enterprise such as aigret of gold of hard, Woerde, Xiamen already was aerospace group, the tungsten in August 2021 is new and high announcement wins the bid packets of Chengdu plane is whole project, nicety of 2022 China acute enters boat successfully to send a group to supply a system, ou Ke 100 million obtain aerospace equipment quality successfully also to manage systematic attestation, homebred tool industry already welcomed times opportunity.
2.3 downstream application blossom at many o'clock, both wings of application of the army and the people flies together
From the point of downstream application industry, the industry such as car, aerospace is opposite to the demand of cutting tool bigger, and aerospace reachs consumptive market scale or add fast faster. Industrial cutting tool applies extensively at manufacturing industry, according to survey, car and aerospace field are bigger to the demand of cutting tool, occupy domestic cutting tool to consume dimensions about respectively 20% with 18% ; Application of industry of current mechanism, mould is occupied than about 15% with 8% .
2.3.1 mix move car demand to promote rapid growth, light quantify demand of treatment catalysis high end
The engine of the car (include lid of cylinder body, crock, crankshaft, camshaft and connecting rod) , the component such as bridge of gear-box, car, transmission shaft, brake, hub is made use metallic cutting extensively to machine craft, content of car component technology is high, technology is sophisticated, extremely meticulous, numerical control divides the work to change rate in whole production process taller, it is one of trades with the largest demand of metallic cutting cutting tool. And car cutting tool is homebred changing is to build our country auto industry the main component of system of own technology development. Often synchronism undertakes the innovation of production technology of the innovation of car workmanship technology and cutting tool. Always high speed, efficient treatment new technology, all rely on the special cutting tool that uses some kind of new-style high accuracy to finish.
Current, car of our country new energy resources has entered the drive that high speed develops, our country is new first half of the year 2023 car of the sources of energy plan retail 3.086 million, grow 37.3% compared to the same period, permeability is amounted to 32.4% , among them, insert report to mix move a car to be added compared to the same period fast be as high as 80% . Although opposite at traditional fuel car, treatment of pure report car drops somewhat to the demand of cutting tool, but mix move a car to promote somewhat to cutting tool demand, mix those who change car sales volume to grow considerably make demand of relevant cutting tool synchronous also add high. In the meantime, the component such as the electromotor of car of new energy resources, batteries produced new treatment requirement, for instance the stator of electromotor, rotor, axis, housing is mixed the bracket of batteries, need cutting treatment, draw the market demand that stirs special treatment cutting tool and clamping apparatus then. At the same time as hub electromotor increasingly mature, also will bring growth space for tool industry on the amount. On the other hand, car of new energy resources is being passed light quantify wait for means to come true energy-saving fall the target of bad news, makings of commonly used car light profile includes the special material such as high strenth steel, aluminium alloy, magnesium alloy and carbon fiber composite material, corresponding the high-end cutting tool such as cutting tool of strong to exceeding also cutting tool, pottery and porcelain, coating cutting tool also generates higher demand, rose to be aimed at different light the demand that quantifies material to offer solution of integral cutting tool, this will bring new development space to tool industry. Consume demand rehabilitate as the car, the competition with car intense manufacturer brings about finished cost to compress, the space of demand of homebred cutting tool that has cost advantage will be larger.
The treatment of 2.3.2 high-powered boat material that can accuse independently are offerred for cutting tool of homebred high end replace good luck
Aerospace data is much more high-powered difficult treatment material, and aerospace uses structural member figure demand of complex, precision is high, to machining cutting tool to be in so precision of life, treatment, stability has extremely high demand: For instance, aviation engine casing, the treatment cycle of cutting is 4 months, the cutting time of single line working procedure needs 260 hours, need changes a knife often, the cutting tool life that need can cast is periodic realize efficient, accurate treatment in order to have reliable technology program and ability of longer cutting tool life; Even a few large parts ask as a result of precision from machine an end to cannot change at the beginning cutting tool, this is taller test to cutting tool product life. At present our country aerospace imports scale to still exceed 80% with high-end cutting tool. Purchase platform in electron of Chinese aviation industry at present inside, the merchandise measure that importing cutting tool is homebred cutting tool 1.7 times; Auger cut, abroad brand holds most seat in the product of sell like hot cakes of the commonly used cutting tool such as milling, turning; Cutter hub, knife handle (blade holder) 6 times waiting for measure of product of cutting tool of the entrance on product of high value cutting tool is homebred cutting tool. At present aircraft of our country business is aided in policy and industrial pool efforts push next entering to develop drive, demand of arms expansion of aviation of for military use is strong, support industrial catenary safety to be able to accuse independently energetically considering national policy, aerospace cutting tool is homebred change replace also will advance steadily.
Alloy of 2.3.3 civil titanium permeates upsurge, open space of increment of treatment cutting tool
Titanium alloy permeates the consumptive electron domain such as 3C, value space of tool market flexibility. Titanium alloy is to have deft, strength tall, high temperature resistant characteristic metallic stuff, common use a field at the high end such as domain of project, spaceflight. Because titanium alloy can reduce the weight of watchcase significantly,be in, promotion adorns comfortable sex, so horological product takes the lead in open titanium alloy applies in the dimensions that consumes the market. Current, what factories of more and more mainstream mobile phone such as apple, millet, SamSung also begin to use titanium alloy data at product of high-end mobile phone is medium on the structure such as casing and hinge, pledge gently in order to satisfy excel in of high-end product model, be able to bear or endure the demand such as simple sense of scratch and exterior. Although titanium is not expensive price metal, but difficulty of titanium alloy treatment is tall, at present titanium alloy machine machines cutting tool to give priority to with hard alloy material: 1) stretch model amount is small: The spare parts already machined the surface to produce spring back easily, the generation when causing cutting tool cutting is oscillatory, face of meeting aggravate knife wears away aggravate; 2) coefficient of thermal conductivity is low: Material comes loose not easily hot, temperature of treatment area cutting crosses what Gao Yi arises to accumulate bits tumour and accelerate cutting tool to wear away; 3) active of high temperature chemistry is tall: Treatment sclerosis is formed easily in treatment surface, accelerate cutting tool tatty to appear easily at the same time " sticky knife " the circumstance that wait. Of the razor blade when machining titanium alloy so wear away speed is accelerated, life shortens, must change often tool. More crucial is, tall, precision holds risk of titanium alloy treatment poor, fine is tasted rate is very low. Current, hard alloy is the first selection data that processes titanium alloy normally; In the meantime, get together nitrogen of brilliant cubic metre changes boron (PCBN) He Jujing diamond (PCD) can wait for the high speed that exceeds strong cutting tool to be able to realize titanium alloy material, high accuracy and tall stability treatment, it is the compensatory sex data that titanium alloy processes; In addition, the structural design such as coating material, careful point processing, in-house cooling passageway can raise cutting tool life and treatment precision effectively.

The treatment of titanium alloy has higher demand to high-end knife. According to data of moxa state high polymer, rate of fine of whole of the casing in titanium alloy mobile phone is 30%-40% about, far 80% under the casing in aluminium alloy; And titanium alloy handling time is long, the 3-4 that is aluminium alloy about times; Titanium alloy treatment is big to the wastage of cutting tool, amount of the casing in the titanium alloy that a group of cutting tool can machine is the 1/10 of the casing in aluminium alloy about. Current, craft of titanium alloy treatment basically includes numerical control machine tool (CNC) reach 3D to print, the casing in titanium alloy and watchcase structure are simple, the manufacturing efficiency that applicable CNC machines and manufacturing cost all excel 3D is printed, we predict in short-term inside the mainstream technology that CNC still is the casing in machining titanium alloy. Because magnitude of value of cutting tool of titanium alloy treatment is high, wastage is big, overlay titanium alloy increases applied demand newly in consumptive electron domain, benefit good cutting tool is in those who consume business of electronic domain future to extend.
Robot of 2.3.4 people entity develops quickly, guide screw of high magnitude of value machines cutting tool demand to promote
Guide screw is mechanical equipment lieutenant general rotates, the drive disk assembly that sharp movement changes each other. Phase of ball guide screw is more complex to structure of common and slip component, cost is higher also, but its precision is taller and can increase efficiency and load, basically use at the car to change direction at present, the essence such as equipment of robot, medical treatment spends the domain with extremely high demand definitely.
Flow of machining of ball guide screw is much, technology is sophisticated, to machining cutting tool (basically be CBN cutting tool) the demand is higher. The ball guide screw that grinding treatment is domestic mainstream machines craft traditionally, and what Europe uses more extensively is technology of hard mill whorl, relatively the grinding craft at the tradition, hard mill adds man-hour to use CBN or hard alloy shapes whorl of knife general guide screw milling shapes, craft working procedure is little (working procedure of line of average little 3~5) , treatment efficiency is tall; Hard mill craft can avoid grinding craft feed too big and brought raceway anneal issue, and treatment process is ground with mill generation, become metallic powder banding cut bits, make emery wheel loss turns into cutting tool loss, with wind cold replace oil cold, already managing the sources of energy, green environmental protection. Cutting tool is one of element of key of hard mill craft, current, choose extensively domestic and internationally (coating) CBN or PCBN pledge for material of milling cutter razor blade, cutter hub is high grade hard alloy. Our country already had company batch to introduce machine tool of mill coming back to improve the efficiency that offer money with raising treatment to reach considerably, if will not use milling completely (Che Xi / hard mill) plan produces guide screw, cutting tool is used up is guide screw magnitude of value about 5% the left and right sides. Intelligence of car of benefit from benefit from changes the to the limit of one's capacity of the intelligent artifacts such as the promotion of permeability and person entity robot, ball guide screw and demand of relevant treatment cutting tool also will increase quickly.
Breach of supply and demand of market of 2.4 homebred tool still is put, head enterprise quickens enlarge to produce
2021 - 2026, cutting tool of our country numerical control adds market space newly to make an appointment with 5.8 billion yuan, 5 years CAGR is 9% . Conservative calculate, predict 2026, dimensions of market of our country tool is 55.7 billion yuan about, dimensions of numerical control cutting tool is 27.3 billion yuan about, occupy than 50% the left and right sides. Among them, numerical control cutting tool and numerical control rectify knife dimensions to will achieve 14.5 billion yuan to mix 12.8 billion yuan respectively; Corresponding homebred change rate it is respectively 43% with 60% , cutting tool of homebred numerical control and the market scale that make a knife part to mix 7.7 billion yuan for 6.3 billion yuan about; Predict price of cutting tool of homebred numerical control will rise continuously 26 years, bit and whole knife unit price will be 8.1 yuan respectively / piece mix 50 yuan / , corresponding amount mixes 150 million for 770 million respectively. Accordingly, we calculate 21-26 year, cutting tool of our country homebred numerical control adds demand newly to be respectively: 1) razor blade of homebred numerical control: 330 million, 3.26 billion yuan 2) cutting tool of whole of homebred numerical control: 30 million, 2.39 billion yuan.
Head tool manufacturer contends for photograph enlarge to produce market of high end of race to control, new increase production can demand exceeds supply. Current and homebred razor blade of numerical control of manufacturer of tool of 4 big heads produces the market share that can hold 75% above, the tungsten in the basis course of study of tungsten of new and high, Xiamen and Ou Ke 100 million, Hua Rui's accurate enlarge produces a plan, new increase production of accumulative total of numerical control razor blade can be 110 million about, integral tool new increase production is 10.4 million, 4 enterprises enlarge produces hypothesis head produce can produce in enlarge of homebred tool industry always produce can occupy than amounting to 60% , criterion our country 2021 - numerical control cutting tool is new 2026 increase production can, production value is respectively: 1) razor blade of homebred numerical control: 180 million, 1.41 billion yuan 2) cutting tool of whole of homebred numerical control: 17 million, 520 million yuan look from the amount, the poor rate of supply and demand that increases razor blade of homebred numerical control and whole sword newly all is in 40% above; Increase scope of cutting tool production value newly far also be less than those who calculate is new add space of homebred tool market, industry of tool of predicting our country adds enlarge newly to produce produce can will be digested adequately, town of homebred tool industry holds the head rate also will promote steadily.
The development experience of referenced and 3, abroad bibcock, see the development way of homebred tool industry
3.1 offer solution of cutting tool whole, the enterprise that help strength highlights competitive tight encirclement to open long-term growth space
The spare parts that cutting tool differs downstream and structural treatment demand each different, it is OK to offer solution of cutting tool of a complete set of integrated all sorts of cutting tool resource, offer according to machining demand one-stop custom-built change a service, include cutting tool custom-built, cutting tool is purchased, inventory management, cutting tool is used, craft is optimized, follow-up rehabilitate, the service dogs wait for many respects. Compare at offerring onefold, the cutting tool product of low, integral solution can reduce investment through helping a client come true, shorten research and development and production are periodic, the sheet that reduces a hardware cost adds up to those who produce cost to reduce with realizing put together effectively, also be current in the strength of tool company product that anchor of high-end client place decides.
Hill spy dimension overcomes 20 centuries 90 time roll out blame demarcate to subdue Wu, pass old research and development and industry project experience to accumulate, already grew the service business that is the integral solution with top-ranking whole world and experience: 1) improve efficiency, reduce cost. Although cutting tool occupies individual spare parts to produce the 3%-5% of cost only, hill spy dimension overcomes solution of coke full whole to be able to help spare parts cost cut down 15% above however. 2005-2012 year, shanteweikekeleman creates 2.4 billion yuan of production for the client in all cost is managing, it is a client managing manufacturing time of 8.1 million hours; 2) offer program of technology of investment new machine tool, shanteweikekeleman offers clasp and elaborate plan in what produce program level, in order to offer the program matching a knife of optimization, be checked and accept smoothly in order to assure later period and put into production, let a client shorten redound of machine tool investment is periodic; 3) plan of hard alloy recycle, in the cutting tool of integral hard alloy that Shanteweikekeleman sells, exceed 80% to get circular reoccupy, also receive the product of hard alloy cutting tool of other manufacturer at the same time. The new cutting tool that uses a midwifery to produce extracts material to produce cutting tool to be able to save the sources of energy of 70% from inside iron ore than using, reduce the CO2 of 40% to discharge. Offer integral solution to need to have professional competence and deep technology to accumulate to cutting tool design not only, still need to have sufficient understanding to downstream client product line. In the meantime, spend proportion continuously through offerring integral solution to be able to add cutting tool company, increase the gain capacity of the enterprise; Also make the enterprise understands a client to produce demand actually deep more, feed back the research and development of cutting tool product and innovation. Current, enterprise of our country head also is serving business transition to integral solution at present, for example the tungsten in 2021 is new and high (diamond of individual plant continent) win the bid successfully to sell packets of Cheng Fei is whole program continuously, 2022, xiamen tungsten course of study and collaboration of Chengdu boat courtyard established Chengdu plan center, china acute nicety establishs Hua Rui cutting to devote oneself to integral cutting solution to supply. 2023 Ou Ke 100 million become crankshaft of Hua Chenbao horse to rectify Bao Dao to provide a supplier.
Ability of research and development of 3.2 promotion product, close and buy perfect product and service matrix
Shanteweike with build up of turning cutting tool, through be being bought ceaselessly with research and development, realize cutting tool breed quickly fill to be perfected completely, pass for example buy much Ma Heshan tall realized the product in domain of cutting tool of high-speed steel cutting and milling cutter, knife handle to fill respectively complete. Up to by 2022, the company buys cutting tool of more than 82 hard alloy to develop relevant company in all in the whole world. This grandfather department returns those who traverse software field to buy the Shanteweike that help strength to digitlize transition strategy, strengthen hill spy dimension to overcome the actual strength of integral solution further. Show according to CIMdata survey, end to the end of 2021, shanteweike already occupied global CAM (CAM) domain the market share of 12.3% ; The PLM through nearly two years (product lifecycle manages) of the domain a large number of receiving and buy, hill spy dimension overcomes with one action to become the leading sheep of CAM market. 2022, considering close and buy brought outstanding achievement growth, shanteweike grows business periodicly the target from 5% rise 7% . Same, 3 water chestnut, Yisika, Kennajin is belonged to wait for industry of international head tool to also be in the dilate that will achieve product breed, downstream application and global market through close ceaselessly and be being bought.
Nowadays, shanteweikekeleman's patent includes 1700 multinomial patent in combination, product of standard cutting tool more than kinds 50 thousand, can roll out more than kinds of 2500 new products every year, have rich and generous product library and capacity of innovation of product research and development. Market of our country tool starts later, in tungsten is new and high regard cutting tool of cutting of domestic the biggest hard alloy as integrated supplier, the cutting tool with head enterprise still also has larger pursuant space on sort and product innovation ability. Perfect product matrix is the requirement that offers integral solution at the same time, at present manufacturer of our country other tool also is helping stage by stage complete product domain: Ou Ke 100 million, the production that Hua Rui nicety projects project open to make product of cutting tool of strong cutting tool, cermet, cutter hub through collect is sold; In tungsten is new and high buy HP Tec of Germany of industry of tool of PCB industry miniature to enhance a company to be in the core competition ability of business of high-end hard alloy; What Wo Erde buys 3C industry to have fair competition advantage is medium Jin Quan of Xin of business of high-end nicety tool extends product line, form synergism and advantage complementary; Share of new fighting spirit cuts field of numerical control razor blade through buying Wei Kai, perfected layout of catenary of industry of company hard alloy.
3.3 layout intelligence changes transition, implementation answers industrial service quickly
Regard the whole world as the lead person of cutting tool, active carry out digitlizes Shanteweikekeleman all right transition, the opportunity that seizes high-end market on one hand achieves organic growth, pass on the other hand buy strategy, get more to digitlize resource, in digitlization new competition grabs anticipate opportunity on the road. Pass companies of pair of a few old software buy, already helped strength the choice that Shanteweike blends in digitlization management Yu Dao to provide, design, make, use (dosage of treatment method program, cutting set) , condition monitoring, change and reclaim wait for a process, the company is changed through the data of these production resource information and the data of the cutting tool message that structuralization runs development to go out to apply field place to need in the light of each fractionize and cutting parameter turns administrative tool, the company that help strength chooses method of best cutting tool and treatment efficiently for more client method and match much better solution.
Teweiketong crosses hill to close in great quantities and buy the software that precedes the industry and Shanteweike to understand machine the development of the process undertake confluence, formation soft hardware combines a fist, also accomplished Shanteweike not to have the distinct advantage of two temporarily in whole industry domain further. Also stem from the farther promotion of confidence of pair of company product strength just about, shanteweike adjusted his to make the income target when solution business section at holding water 2020 2021, will former 2019-2025 year the income during rises to be overcome to 6 billion Sweden from Ke Lang of 4 billion Sweden bright, set the target of EBITA profit margin that Shanteweike made a solution 2025 for 20% .

3.4 quicken overseas market position, make the 2nd growing curve
Global tool market is made an appointment with 240 billion, and Chinese tool market is occupied only among them 1/5, international market space is vaster, overseas business has growing space more. Hill spy dimension overcomes business to cover 150 states, coke of cutting tool subsidiary has the 9 production plant that spreads all over the whole world completely, 15 knowledge center, the progress that can make mainland change according to the characteristic of different market is politic, at present overseas business occupies Shanteweike than exceeding 50% . In the meantime, agree the overseas market sale that accept, 3 water chestnut also extend a company in the position that adopts globalization, 2022, agree the sale of 60% comes from accept beyond the United States the market, basically include Western Europe, China and Indian and other places.
Homebred 2022 cutting tool exports the forehead to be 23.19 billion yuan, 10% what take overseas market only. Current, in tungsten is new and high go to sea business already had 20 one's remaining years, the product sold as far as to 70 many countries and area to enter brands of 10 big famous cutting tool, dimensions of carry out of export of sea of diamond of individual plant continent was 500 million yuan of RMB about 2022, already realized exit sale to exceed 300 million yuan first half of the year 2023, grow 18% compared to the same period; Xiamen tungsten job is abroad and current overseas business already radiation Europe, beautiful, inferior wait for more than 40 countries and area, up to overseas market rose tool of Q3 company cutting compared to the same period 2023 20% , abroad income takes tool of hard alloy cutting than exceeding 30% . Ou Ke distribution of 100 million overseas business of He Huarui nicety are later, but add fast faster, abroad battalion receives cutting tool of numerical control of company of before 2023 3 quarters to be respectively 9, 390 thousand yuan mix 31.33 million yuan, exit occupies score to be 19.1% with 5.4% , abroad battalion closes add fast all exceed 50% above. The battalion of the international head company with referenced globalization mature layout closes and exit product is more expensive all valence and profit margin, homebred tool industry to globalization layout hind, will have more considerable development latent capacity.
Industry of tool of 4, head has distinguishing feature each, implementation difference changes development
4.1 in tungsten is new and high: Cover the industry of bibcock of homebred cutting tool of product of all fronts of tungsten industry catenary
Company back 5 mine group, it is home (numerical control) field of machine tool cutting tool is only " national group " member, established product line of bit of the first numerical control of Chinese 1988, established company of blade of the first numerical control of our country 2002 -- diamond of individual plant continent. The company is had reach its to the nonferrous metal such as tungsten, molybdenum, Tantalum, niobium from hard alloy deep treatment product, the product basically differentiates to reach powder for razor blade of hard alloy, cutting and cutting tool, compound with etc, business structure is rich, have extremely strong dimensions dominant position and industrial catenary to cooperate with advantage. Current, output of product of new and high hard alloy exceeds tungsten in 14 thousand tons, rank the world the first, among them the many breed dimensions such as silk of material of roller of tool of cutting cutting tool, IT, hard alloy, nice spare parts, stiff dough and ball tine, molybdenum ranks China the first. Whole world of PCB cutting tool is banner, among them city of whole world of PCB getting needle is occupied rate exceed 18% , rank the 2nd. 2022, crop of razor blade of company numerical control exceeds 130 million, 23% what take gross domestic product about.
4.2 Europe division 100 million: Market of domestic toothed razor blade " leading sheep " , level of numerical control cutting tool is banner
The company held water 1996, advocate battalion hard alloy goods, the company began production to sell cutting tool of hard alloy numerical control 2011, the company was in 2020 division achieve board appear on the market as the company that gives priority to business Wu first times with hard alloy cutting tool. Home of scale of production of company toothed product the first, technology and market position are in fractionize industry front row, the hard alloy good material that the company produces is the base material that makes cutting tool of whole of high-powered hard alloy; Range of products of cutting tool of company numerical control is close 20 thousand kinds, stainless steel and steel international of razor blade of treatment numerical control is banner; At present business of tool of company numerical control is occupied than exceeding 60% , before crop of razor blade of 2018-2022 numerical control occupies home firmly 3.
4.3 China acute are accurate: Of cutting tool of numerical control of dedicated hard alloy get army enterprise
The company held water 2007, advocate battalion product turning, milling and auger cut razor blade of numerical control of hard alloy of 3 old series. The mould mill razor blade of the company has stronger cutting performance and extremely high gender price to compare, broke foreign enterprise monopoly successfully; The steel of company own research and development the turning razor blade of treatment already entered Korea market; The company is the minority inside course of study can come true to go to the company that whole technological process of razor blade of numerical control of final hard alloy can control independently by powdery body raw material, conduce to reduce cost. Stability of company wool interest rate is in 50% the left and right sides, be in an industry banner level. Before crop of razor blade of 2018-2022 numerical control occupies home firmly 3.
Head enterprise each has his strong point, implementation difference changes development. In tungsten is new and high (diamond of individual plant continent) it is industry of tool of numerical control of home of our country head, line of the products is rich, the technology is accumulated deep and have industrial catenary to cooperate with advantage, it is current the bibcock enterprise of domestic hard alloy; The company uses congener company of domain excel home in the high end such as aerospace, car, PCB, and product all valence industry is banner. The 100 million hard alloy goods through relying on maturity produce Ou Ke experience, mastered perforative hard alloy to make, the technical system that cutting tool makes as whole as compositive application process, in turning razor blade and advantage of stainless steel razor blade apparent, waited for a domain to obtain in traffic of car, orbit, the sources of energy, current mechanism wide application and approbate; At the same time the company also is in fast and perfect line of the products, for force of labor of transition of the person that implementation is offerred to integral solution. Model of standards of as more accurate than Hua Rui as friendly business posture product is centered relatively, because the company is held to,basically be " amass a dominant position, sheet tastes a breakthrough " the strategy, concentrated force volume is first tackled key problem technical content price of concentration of model of big, norms, sex compares demand of tall, market outstanding milling razor blade and groovy razor blade " explode paragraph " product; This kind " large sheet is tasted " the effect of scale of production of politic generation makes cost of company unit production relatively inferior, strength is helped on certain level the interest rate level that the company maintains taller inside the industry; At present the company is in the treatment domain such as mould, current mechanism, car has relatively extensive application advantage. Can see on put together, the product strategy that looks industry of thereinbefore ministry tool has poor dissimilation and growing method, using oneself characteristic to develop the fast dilate that implementation fractionize domain applies, plant in this amlposition competition and solution of business day whole are custom-built below the development tide that turn, nonexistent the risk that is immersed in low competition predicament, tool industry will appear the favorable situation that let a hundred flowers blossom.
(the article offers reference only, do not represent any our investment proposals. If need to use pertinent information, consult please the report is textual. )
Handpick report origin: [prospective wisdom library] .