The action of cutting tool of processing of floor of woodiness of macerate paper lamination with fore-and-aft shape plant layout of 7 cutter shaft is equipment exemple undertake demonstrative.(1) cuts milling cutter to regard equipment of 7 cutter shaft as the first knife beforehand it is horizontal cutter shaft commonly, cut milling cutter to be installed for the level normally beforehand. Its machine the effect that basically has two sides: It is the treatment amount that reduces follow-up process. 2 it is the fiducial surface that the surface that forms what rely on feet at the same time nears to be follow-up working procedure after cutting tool is machined beforehand.Cut milling cutter to machine the adjustment of deepness beforehand, beforehand the 1/2-2/3 left and right sides of total ply of floor of cutting of cutting tool need, with 12mm large floor board is exemple, beforehand left and right sides of 6mm of cutting of cutting tool need, the deepness after its are machined must prep above height of the 2nd backer. Width is adjusted, dimension of width of finished product of floor of = of width of the floor after cutting milling cutter to machine beforehand + 1mm, make sure knife of Xiu Xi of essence of life leaves the mental allowance that has 0.5mm every.(2) shapes milling cutter regards equipment of 7 cutter shaft as the 2nd knife it is perpendicular cutter shaft commonly, shape perpendicular installation is in milling cutter cutting base material comes on its. Its main effect is to reduce amount of the treatment that buckle a knife, treatment gives the basic exterior rough sketch of lock. Milling deepness follows floor profile deepness and decide. Figuration milling cutter is two assembly combination milling cutter, installation is on axle sleeve of clamp of a hydraulic pressure. Adjust compass to adjust through cutting tool axial is apart from between each cutting tool, cooperate a requirement in order to satisfy the profile of the floor, decide final tenon tongue ply and tenon chamfer ply.The graph shapes milling cutter (3) essence repairs milling cutter to regard equipment of 7 cutter shaft as the 3rd knife it is perpendicular cutter shaft commonly, essence of life repairs milling cutter, perpendicular installation its go up, layer of main cutting wear-resisting determines the breadth of finished product floor.Milling deepness is 0.3mm-0.5mm, essence of life repairs width of finished product of floor of = of width of the floor after milling cutter is machined. The cutting tool when ply is adjusted is perpendicular rise falling is with essence of life 0.3mm of layer of wear-resisting of prep above of the brim on long milling cutter is controlled, the point of cutting wear-resisting layer is in, wear away very quickly become blunt, cutting tool upward adjustment 0.3mm is controlled below this kind of circumstance, assure quality of wear-resisting layer cutting, cannot be when cutting tool when upward adjustment, want to undertake the blade of cutting tool is ground. (Essence of graph of 4) lock milling cutter repairs milling cutterRegard equipment of 7 cutter shaft as the 4th knife it is angle cutter shaft commonly, lock milling cutter installs his to go up, left for angle 22.5 degrees, negative point of view is on the right side of 45 degrees, basically determine the shape of lock, ensure the degree of tightness of lock is spent. Its are adjusted should with shape milling cutter cooperates to adjust, undertake with standard example degree of tightness is spent finally contrasting deciding its. At present home has partial enterprise to use measuring projector to use film umbriferous law undertakes adjustment. The graph is fore-and-aft sketch map of process of fair tenon millingThe graph is fore-and-aft sketch map of process of milling of mother camphor tree