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Do you know the basic knowledge of milling cutter how many? Look to go up experience
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In the treatment of milling cutter, how choose reasonable milling cutter, seasonable judgement milling cutter wear away, can improve treatment efficiency effectively not only, still can reduce finished cost.

Means of settlement of tatty of different situation cutting tool
1, point wears away
Improve way: Raise feed; Lower cutting rate; Use more the bit material of wear-resisting is qualitative; Use coating razor blade.
2, collapse is broken
Improve way: The capable person with use nicer tenacity is qualitative; The razor blade of use point aggrandizement; Check the tigidity of machining complex; Increase tool cutting edge angle.
3, heat is out of shape
Improve way: Lower cutting rate; Reduce feed; Decrease cut deep; Use the capable person that has hot rigid more to pledge.
4, cut in damaged
Improve way: Change tool cutting edge angle; Point aggrandizement; Change bit material is qualitative.
5, hot crack
Improve way: Use cooling fluid correctly; Lower cutting rate; Reduce feed; Use coating razor blade.
6, accumulate bits
Improve way: Raise cutting rate; Raise feed; Use coating razor blade or cermet razor blade; Use cooling fluid; Make point sharper.
7, crescent moon wears away depression
Improve way: Lower cutting rate; Reduce feed; Use coating razor blade or cermet razor blade; Use cooling fluid.
8, rupture
Improve way: The capable person with use nicer tenacity pledges or groove; Reduce feed; Decrease cut deep; Check the tigidity of machining complex.
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