Get treatment a lot of years: ? Is ⑾ car stupefied to Dang is angry Li joyous?
Yi Sika: ? Car of コ of carboxyl of fish hawk of talk in one's sleep of of of a huge legendary turtle of Lan aspic Wo ?
2024-04-161.Establish milling cutter to carry blade to repair grind:
With collet of R8 of primary tool carrier clip holds milling cutter petiole, by 90 ° level roll carries milling cutter to grind with accessory, uproot spacing bolt, transfer tool carrier but transfer of tool carrier of 360 degrees of circumgyrate arrives but position of grinding end blade (see a picture 1) , next the degree according to the angle that carries cutting sword, gradient of the horn after grinding those who give Duan Ren (see a picture 2) , repair the attention when grinding feed means (see a picture 4) . Turn of cutting tool of device of tool carrier graduation is used after grinding is over 45 degrees (4 blade) or 90 degrees (2 blade) wear another blade tooth. (see a picture 3, 4)