Manage difficult treatment material only, artisan essence tool " hard nucleus " milling cutter comes
Machinery amounts to a person how to cut off iron, all-purpose milling machine cuts off horizontal workpiece
2024-03-30CNC treatmentthe machine has a lot of planting, include lathe, milling machine, engraving tool, grinding machine, use different cutting tool, can undertake different treatment is made. Inspect the scope magnitude of the machine, needs motor sort differs somewhat. When using these machines to undertake CNC is machined, need CAD software rear, ability makes machines and tools mobile. When letting us be machined in CNC with everybody introduction today, you cannot 5 kinds of CNC machine insensible tool.
CAD software
CAD (Computer-aided Design) the abbreviation that is computer subdesign, pass through CAD software, can help figure of project of stylist scale 2D, or production 3D model. Use 3D CAD model, devise each measure in the process, include share, postmortem, imitate, amend, can become more easy, let flow become more businesslike. Introduce a few kinds below commonly used the CAD software that builds a model at CNC treatment.
Auto CAD
AutoCAD is a multidimensional CAD software, use AutoCAD to undertake CNC is machined, can automation arrives from the design the working flow between production.
Tinker CAD
The Tinker CAD that rolled out 2011, it is software of the 3D CAD on a free line, already gained ground quite up to now. Hold easy left-hand seat as a result of mind extent, and applicability is wide, from teacher, student, spare personage, wait to stylist, tinker CAD is a software that suits very much.
Free CAD
2002 the first time emission Free CAD, be around move parameter is changed what build a model and design is free software opening a source, basically use in mechanical heavy products plan, also can use at the domain such as building or electric project.
Blocks CAD
Blocks CAD is a free 3D CAD software, mind extent with color area piece pile and into, very resemble happy tall toy. Although build a model to still not allow easy, pass through this software, can help the child or be the abecedarian building a model that wants to begin study to build a model to encounter frequency neck however.
Fusion 360
Fusion 360 is a professional 3D CAD software, have powerful parameter to turn tool and analytic reseau tool, to industrial stylist character is one big edge tool. Fusion 360 offers a student or the teaching staff uses software freely, if be commercial use, want a responsibility a few charge.
The Open SCAD that issued 2010 is the free software of a to found entity design, allow to design personnel to establish mathematical 3D model, and parameter changes a design. The applicable doorsill photograph of OpenSCAD relatively at other software slightly a few taller, suit to have the person that asks highly to building a model, also use at research and education stage by stage at present.
Lathe is the machine of a tool in CNC treatment process, date from of its Shi Ke reachs period to Gu Ai. Industrial Revolution period, lathe acted important role, because this is called again the mother of 10 thousand course of study. In the process that machines in CNC lathe, treatment cutting tool will be fixed it is above lathe, high speed rotates to cut raw material, till the treatment that finish.
The scope of application of lathe is very wide, machinery is made, maintenance of metallic treatment, equipment, often use CNC lathe to help work. The part that forms lathe includes cast-iron frame, planar cutting to use device of blade holder, various cutting tool, drive, and control device. Electric motor passes through the leather belt of transmission system, machines and tools, cam, dial, run with different rate, will drive whole drive equipment. The automation level of different lathe is different also, when lathe running is driven by computer formula place, say for CNC lathe.
Milling machine
The workpiece that the treatment means of lathe is lathe itself rotates, and cutting tool won't oneself rotate. Milling machine and lathe are contrary, the treatment means of milling machine is rotate by cutting tool, milling machine itself won't rotate, rotate through cutting tool cut raw material, in order to complete treatment.
Milling machine is common industrial machines and tools, because this is a lot of more phyletic, between different milling machine often only and little difference, because machine purpose, design or function to differ, must use not akin milling machine. Milling machine often uses the data with bore, different cut, generally speaking, the treatment goal that place of use milling machine achieves and lathe are similar, difference basically is in machines and tools rotate.
As identical as lathe, the exercise of milling machine can be moved by the hand undertake, or control by computer. Call CNC milling machine with computer pilot milling machine, control milling machine to machine flow in order to finish CNC by computer formula. The sort of milling machine is very much, be like posture of type of tower of vertical, horizontal, pillar, knife, bend (C type) , type of door of bed type, dragon.
Cutting tool
When using lathe or milling machine treatment, must cooperate different cutting tool to finish treatment to work. Cent is lathe tool and milling cutter, lathe tool applies to the cutting workpiece of lathe, and milling cutter is the milling work that is used at milling machine. In the process that machines in CNC, get on cutting tool solid on lathe or milling machine, move except material, in order to complete treatment.
Lathe tool is use on lathe rotate, bore hole, the cutting tool that opens groove, thread machining, milling cutter, milling machine itself is mobile, will finish milling. Of cutting tool most advanced because answer of demand different, and have different figure, volume.
Establish milling cutter
It is OK to establish milling cutter much angle milling, or along axes milling. Establish milling cutter to be able to be used at the utility such as outline milling, profiling milling, planar milling, whorl milling.
Thick milling cutter
Thick milling cutter uses wavy tooth, can use in treatment initial stage move except much material, the ministry branch after excision produces shiver, it is easy to clear.
Spherical milling cutter
Spherical milling cutter is as similar as groovy getting, but its milling cutter is hemisphere model, suit to be used in the center to undertake stereo milling, for example the production of the mould.
Above all, the measurement of CNC engraving tool is different, the motor sort with applicable place also differs somewhat. More miniature CNC engraving tool, suit to use drive motor relatively. Generally speaking, drive motor suits linear treatment method quite, like leather belt drive, guide the limits such as snail , ball snail compares little job to go up. Big CNC engraving tool is compared to go up in dimensions, because size is larger, bend easily. To prevent deformation, because this suits relatively,use measure the servo with bigger, heavier weight is motor.
Two kinds of motor mobile kind are different also, the movable type of drive motor counts advancement according to established pace, the mobile state that body of machine a playscript with stage directions cannot know drive is motor, and the mobile state of servo motor can be answered pass machine stage, because this is OK at any time whether does motor make mistake in running a course.
Speed and pitching moment respect, the locomotive speed of drive motor is made an appointment with 1, 200 RPM, and tall moment can produce when low speed, speed heals fast, pitching moment heals small. And servo motor can be amounted to 2, 000 RPM, drive of rotate speed prep above is motor, and drive of pitching moment prep above is motor.
The part of maintenance, drive is motor besides bearing, other part cannot be maintained. And servo motor photograph relatively at drive motor, maintain more easily.