If decorate a border,main installation is in carpentry milling cutter mill of machine, bakelite, machine establishing mill and on all sorts of woodworker
Metallic cutting machines craft, milling machines craft to explain, typical milling machine explains with common milling cutter
2024-04-15The cutting method of milling cutter has go against mill and suitable mill:
The cutting direction of cutting tool and mobile way are same it is to be suitable mill, the cutting direction of cutting tool and mobile direction are instead to go against mill, suitable mill causes those who machine a face to allow knife condition with the metropolis that go against mill: Tilt to direction letting a knife when suitable mill, when going against mill, to penetration of a cutting tool direction tilts;
Because the apt when this rough machining uses suitable mill, use when finish machining go against mill. If use,go against mill penetration of a cutting tool to be able to be brought about without finish machining surplus.
But when share of blueprint high demand is occasionally different, still need to adopt different method to satisfy a requirement, if need right angle when, must rough machining uses suitable mill, finish machining is used go against mill, if finish machining arranges mill, affirmative meeting is caused in front of wide, bottom stricture has taper.
But when product surface it is heat treatment passes, crusty when, or when cast, forging is machined, should use the treatment that go against mill, such treatment knives from already machined the surface to be cut, won't die knife;
If be Bao Bi first choice arranges mill, smaller than going against mill to the cutting force of the product, be out of shape small;
Is your treatment experience such?