6 commonly used milling designs in mechanical design are small skill
Super- establish milling cutter principle completely to explain, no matter be cutting tool,sale or operator of a gleam of should look
2024-04-13Roller is used almost generally at every mechanical production process on the world. Roller is the main part of rolling mill, often can add a few tantalum in machining a process (wait a moment like chromic, nickel) , in order to assure the durable sex of the service life of roller and roller. Roller material has roller of cast steel roller, cast-iron roller, hard alloy roller, pottery and porcelain to wait character.
One, choose appropriate cutting tool according to the hardness of roller workpiece
1, hardness the alloy roller under HRA90: Optional chooseThe CBN cutting tool of BNK30 brand undertakes large surplus turning is machined, the lump material that cutting tool of this brand CBN becomes by agglomeration of CBN grain whole, without alloy underlay, because its are used metalloid as adhesive, high temperature red rigid is exceedingly good, Roller of hard alloy of large surplus turning, cutting tool won't happen burst apart, the problem such as burn;

2, the alloy roller of HRA90 of hardness prep above: Had exceeded CBN cutting tool but size range of pipe bent, at this moment the PCD cutting tool that Hua Ling exceeds hard CDW025 brand or the diamond emery wheel of colophony bond suits grinding to machine very.
2, mental allowance and cutting tool of cutting means choice
1, When hard alloy roller machines the chamfer of outside face or R3 above, Bigger to mental allowance, undertake rough machining with BNK30 brand cutting tool first commonly, next reuse diamond emery wheel undertakes grinding(colophony bond emery wheel is ground outside round or planar, roller pass opens groove to wait shape grinding is used commonly eletroplate or emery wheel of metallic bond diamond) ; Mental allowance is small, can use emery wheel to undertake grinding is machined directly, cutting tool of applicable perhaps PCD undertakes copying (pour horny process and grooving to wait for instance shape craft chooses custom-built diamond cutting tool) ;
2, At present the cutting tool of chamfer of crescent moon of pass roller mill already was more mature cutting tool product, call milling cutter coming back, flying milling cutter, roller to engrave costal region knife again. Hua Ling exceeds hard, as exceed strong cutting tool homebred the pioneer that change, there is old experience on the milling cutter coming back of chamfer of mill roller crescent moon, according to experience earning: Milling cutter coming back is divided to solder type is mixed whole stick milling cutter of two kinds of structures coming back, diametical 4mm and above (the biggest accomplish 9mm more) the choice solders type construction, basically give priority to with sticking a face completely under diametical 4mm.

Note: PCD comes back no matter quarter milling cutter is to make roller or repair roller newly all can be used, PCD milling cutter coming back has solder and rectify stick choice of two kinds of structures, diametical 4mm and above (the biggest accomplish 9mm more) the choice solders type construction, basically give priority to with sticking a face completely under diametical 4mm. And lever of PCD burin coming back can use 2 milling cutter only commonly, change afresh with respect to need staff of new burin coming back.
3, Hua Ling exceeds good summary note
1, the choice of parameter of cutting cutting tool: When using roll of wrought alloy of cutting tool of BNK30 brand CBN, cutting speed Vc should be more than 35m/min; Ap of deepness of penetration of a cutting tool should be less than 0.8mm; Feed Fr is between 0.25-1mm/r(figure of specific parameter basis cutting tool and choice of treatment surface roughness, take bigger cost as far as possible) dry type cutting; If use PCD cutting tool to add man-hour, hua Ling exceeded hard skill personnel to sum up machine experience to give out to reduce effect of deepness of penetration of a cutting tool appropriately before much better; When using roll of hard alloy of turning of profile modeling of cutting tool of CDW025 brand PCD, treatment opening slot, hua Ling exceeds hard proposal feed Fr is in 0.1-0.2mm/r; Or 0.05-0.1mm/r, can add cutting juice. 2, the processing of cutting tool point: When wrought alloy roller, may undertake to cutting cutting tool passivation is handled, purpose of so called passivation is to settle the cutting tool point after blade is ground of microcosmic breach here blemish, make its sharp edge value decreases or remove the effect that will achieve sharp and pliable level off, solid wear-resisting. But processing of cutting tool passivation cannot pass big, contact an area to be able to increase because of point of the cutting tool after passivation and workpiece, cutting obstruction also increases subsequently, alloy roller itself belongs to fragile hard data, create work of collapse piece attaint extremely easily. Machine cutting tool point not to answer at the same time too sharp, too sharp meeting drops cutting tool point the life of its itself, before buying cutting tool accordingly, exceed personnel of hard relevant skill to communicate with Hua Ling as far as possible, the parameter of treatment cutting tool that more convenient choice suits.
Hua Ling exceeds video of spot of good treatment roller to share