How can ability grind good milling cutter?
Before grinding a knife, need undertakes checking to emery wheel, if discover emery wheel is jumpy, columnar,irregular, round horn crosses the face to wait for a circumstance greatly, undertake nap with respect to need. Can amend with emery wheel commonly implement (diamond nap implement, age a nap implement etc) undertake nap to the columnar face of emery wheel, yi Ke uses the hardness that wear bead to undertake nap relative to larger useless old emery wheel. If plane of emery wheel side is already rough whole, can change emery wheel piece.
Establish blade of milling cutter end panel to grind a technology:
1, the technology that troubles end panel of Ping Lixi knife.
Without giving thought to of how many blade establish milling cutter, want above all edge end panel perpendicular grind at axes smooth, this is to make sure edge apogee can lie the key of same plane. Photograph of corrective edge end panel is like lower part law to the verticality of milling cutter axes.
① range estimation. But have the aid of one flat, transfer to a lower level of day of edge of Jiang Lixi knife is on flat, the banking angle that observes the left and right sides is spent. Rotate milling cutter next 180 ° observe its control banking angle to spend again. If be in,the banking angle that observes with on one direction two differs, need to repair grind, till the banking angle that till be the same as one direction on two times,observes is identical. Rotate milling cutter again later 90 ° , repeat above act.
② uses square corrective. 90 ° square is used on one flat corrective, put milling cutter and square the observation after making the same score whether there is space between milling cutter and square or clearance is even, judge the verticality that gives milling cutter according to clearance next, undertake repairing grinding to milling cutter.
③ from corrective. The knife places Jiang Lixi on drilling machine or milling machine collet, one useless old emery wheel is put below piece, choose machine tool of open of proper rotate speed, fall next move milling cutter is in emery wheel piece on grinding, undertake according to circumstance of end panel grinding is ground.
2, the skill that establishs milling cutter to open a cross to discharge bits chamfer.
If 4 edge establish forehead of milling cutter end panel to do not have round chamfer, the chamfer of cross of reopen of helix chamfer direction of the milling cutter of round horn edge that uses emery wheel with respect to need, 1 ~ 2mm controls deepness (too deep easy burst apart, too shallow grind not easily piece deputy hind horn) . When opening slot, notice emery wheel flank does not come up against the another edge mouth below (note: This cross chamfer has the effect that discharge bits, if do not leave, criterion to among sunken the blade dip that go in should be increased a few) .
3, the blade that establishs blade of cutting of milling cutter end panel grinds a technology.
When blade grinds each blade, ① is with the needle of each blade respectively fiducial, it is a principle in order to withhold blade needle, build the part before grinding (need not grind without collapse blade) , hind horn, deputy hind horn (if be big cutting,the quantity needs better strength, the proposal is repaired grind edge wedge role is increased before the knife) the dip that reach blade.
The choice of ② concerned angle is hind horn 8 ° of 6 ° ~ , (deputy hind horn 45 ° of 30 ° ~ ) blade is obliquitous 3 ° of 1 ° ~ . Horny alternative wants according to the hardness of workpiece change after, somes material hardness is big angle is small; The angle choice principle of blade dip is 4 blade must to among sunken go in, angle makes the same score a surface roughness precision to had healed more. Machine deepness to heal at this moment deep (if be more than 2mm but should be in permissive limits) , it is better that surface roughness precision is met instead, the reason is the kill that made a cutting blade participate in cutting.
③ blade is ground after finishing, stand in milling cutter of admiral of a platform case, if axis is vertical, all blade needles can be made the same score neat, of edge slant horn can is opposite in even, can accord with a requirement so.
At this moment likewise OK have the aid of uses 90 ° square on one flat corrective, put the observation after making the same score whether there is space between milling cutter and square or clearance is even. Observe two first commonly relative to taller foot (first two feet of sole) , if not perpendicular repair grind taller foot, grind like sending two feet opposite side tall (namely perpendicular) , at this moment these two feet and additionally two bases on appeared to be differred highly, milling cutter can swing. Grind two taller feet at the same time again right now low. Same, rotate milling cutter again the verticality that 90 ° watch additionally two legs opposite side, make finally 4 feet at the same time sole makes milling cutter perpendicular. Blade grinds the milling cutter after finishing.
Grind in manual blade in, the discretion of edge and each angle hold not easily, because of the person different wants when training, it is OK to should notice to grind a horn after only. Point of a knife should let highest only when coping blade is rough can, if not be,machine the circumstance of lumen clear part additionally, still can build part of point of a knife grind those who be more than 0.2mm to pour wine cup, in order to increase strength of point of a knife.
4, establish milling cutter advocate blade (namely side edge) blade grinds a technology.
If establish milling cutter advocate blade wears away, be about to be in emery wheel (emery wheel diameter is a bit smaller better) on, edge corkscrewed yarn is repaired grind (abecedarian has been ground very hard) . But long there is taper commonly after grinding, the operation level that taper reflects small more heals tall.