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The classification of milling cutter and utility (0528)
2024-04-18Face mill is machined, indispensable
The metal machines an industry to experiencing major change. If do not use face mill, so the complexity that machines craft will be adv unimaginably. Face mill craft completes the treatment of fiducial surface through building plane, realize the promotion of precision and exterior quality parameter. In addition, a lot of whirl the production of the component does not pass face mill is half-baked. The importance that visible face mill machines nots allow small gaze.
Milling cutter of 45 ° face, restrict somewhat
When face mill, the axes of milling cutter and be maintained perpendicular by treatment surface. The end panel milling cutter of great majority or planar milling cutter are the common structure that cover type but dislocation cutting tool. They have point of view of all sorts of blade of cutting tool cutting (feed angle) , be like 45 ° , 60 ° , 65 ° , 75 ° , 90 ° . Use Gao Jin gives milling (the face milling cutter that HFM) means uses technically at efficient rough machining has apparently lesser cutting blade point of view, it is 10 ° normally - 17 ° . Below certain circumstance, the milling cutter covering type that installs circular razor blade can make cutting blade very solid.
Cutting blade horn is right of cutting force decompose have certain effect, cutting master piece is used in cutter shaft law to go up to plane, action is mixed at the radial of workpiece axial, produce radial and axial cutting power. In other condition same situation falls, cutting blade angle decided the biggest cut deep, also decided the applied domain of face milling cutter greatly, make the versatility of milling cutter of 45 ° face highest. Such milling cutter has a significant advantage, it is namely in face mill, when machining open and flat surface especially, 45 ° cutting tool is first selection, can ensure the good balance of radial and axial cutting force, gain the treatment face of high quality, and the cutting condition that be helpful for feed or removes a knife. Type of the commonnest face milling cutter is it is 45 ° cutting tool.
However, milling cutter of 45 ° face has certain drawback, what cannot be used at treatment to side outline is restricted for instance is planar. Be machined below this kind of circumstance all plane of the spare parts have side outline restriction, although be close to parietal to use milling cutter of 45 ° face to also can encounter difficulty locally, normally accordingly the circumstance falls, this kind of planar treatment that has sidewall restriction can use the face milling cutter of horn of blade of 90 ° cutting. In addition, 90 ° cutting tool can ensure low axial force, apply to machine part of Bao Bi construction or hold in undesirable clip cutting undertakes below the condition. Besides, carry photograph of milling cutter razor blade to compare with the 90 ° of same size, razor blade of milling cutter of 90 ° face can be offerred bigger cut deep.
NEODO S90 ° , ensure accurate 90 ° outline
Lift even if use identical bit of the advisability that designs milling cutter of 90 ° face with knife of 90 ° Duan Xi. This one concept is used extensively, realized versatility of tall razor blade. To ensure good exterior surface roughness, big diameter ages more but the plane repairing light that the razor blade of dislocation face milling cutter should have to be more than Duan Xi knife apparently, because the characteristic of upright milling cutter is tine number is less accordingly every turn feed is inferior also. Tool manufacturer grasps in the process of research and development supporting all sorts of principles, like dedicated at improving productivity, assure precision of humeral ministry outline, and but the main raw material of dislocation razor blade -- of carbonization tungsten use effectively. Good design should can offer outstanding solution, accord with Yan Ke's treatment to ask.
NEODO S90 ° is series of milling cutter of 90 ° face, install 8 millimeter razor blade of double-faced and quadrate hard alloy. This series razor blade applies to steel and cast-iron rough machining and semifinishing machining. The design of this kind of double-edged razor blade reflected more durable bit structure, and have 8 but dislocation cutting blade. This razor blade may be not had flatly it seems that strange, but careful observation can see bit flank has complex figure, there is a wide plane that repair light on every cutting blade. Milling cutter of this kind of face has radial horn and the horn before losing, can ensure when milling deepness amounts to 5mm accurate 90 ° outline. Cutting tool of NEODO S90 ° can have face mill and square shoulder mill, sufferred the planar treatment near bounds humeral ministry to offer additional alternative for workpiece or clamping apparatus at the same time.

Yi Sika milling cutter, suit the remedy to the case
The penknife that is aimed at 32- 63mm provides diametical range, yi Sika rolled out cutting tool of HELIDO Trigon series. The characteristic of this series cutting tool includes the face milling cutter of tall tine density, provide double-faced triangle bit, can machine true 90 ° outline, cut can amount to 4mm greatly, have superhigh productivity. Because bit submits trigonometry form, can offer 6 but dislocation cutting blade, fashion cutting tool in radial and axial before horn. The bit design that combined the wide plane that repair light conduces to raise exterior surface roughness, can use at slope to walk along milling.