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Brand story | German WOLF alloy milling cutter
2024-04-17Financial on Feburary 27, 2024 message, according to announcement of bureau of national intellectual property, boat Xi'an plane is versed in trade group Inc. applies for in the name is " a kind of milling cutter that is used at processing carbon fiber composite material " , make public date CN117600538A, application date is November 2023.
Patent summary shows, this invention made public a kind of milling cutter that is used at processing carbon fiber composite material, mill of the high speed that applies to carbon fiber composite material, large surplus is cut. Cutting tool is effective cutting part is comprised by didymous pure helix blade and the tooth that have small blade structure. Of this cutting tool many advocate cutting blade uses implementation main surplus purify, improved on the foundation that assured to discharge bits medicinal powder hot, rise to protect action of small tine blade at the same time. The iteration of pure helix blade and small tine blade to workpiece surface layer action can restrain surface layer effectively to injure, make this milling cutter applies to the high speed below big cutting surplus to make the same score quietly milling to machine, can satisfy carbon fiber of a variety of different fiber level, different ply, lay up means answer material is made it is difficult to wait for a variety of projects the demand of tall qualitative, efficient treatment that processes data.
The article is come from financial